Diseases & Treatment
Sore mouth and teeth:
Take one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and cook in a cup, and the patient
*Relaxation of the tongue:
mustard is useful several times in a relaxed tongue
*Periodontal abscess:
Half fig soaked in boiling water and then placed on the abscess
*Inflammation of the tonsils:
Mix egg flour, and placed on the neck and connecting cloth, into the night until morning, then flying the place and wash with warm water, this inflammation and raise the heat on the throat, repeated until healing that God Almighty
**Other recipe:
Placed on the neck of some hot onion slices, and package the attic, they are good for inflammation of the tonsils
**Other recipe:
Cook one teaspoon of chamomile flowers in a glass of water, and Agrger by infected tonsils infection, after repeating the process heals
If you eat garlic roasted or cooked or raw, benefit hoarseness and roughness
**Other recipe:
Eat radish with honey well benefit from hoarseness after the incident, shouting, and this fit for singers in particular
**Other recipe:
Cooked cabbage leaves well in a little water, boiled and then mixed with honey, and placed to cool, and, it is very helpful for the fading of the voice, but purely a breath and tonsils
*Voice Filter:
Eating garlic raw or cooked audio filter
*Sore throat:
Honey mixed with onions, apples, juice and drink for several days
* Enlarged thyroid gland :
Prevents goiter patient for chillers and fries, take the boiled germander amount of half a cup, and drink it regularly on the heels of God Almighty
*Inflammation of the respiratory tract:
Steam is used chamomile flowers
Drink boiled water amount of the ring 4 tablespoons a day to relieve coughing TB patients
*Treatment of Tuberculosis:
drink every morning with milk mixed with a spoon of honey, he is recovering that God Almighty
*Chronic cough:
Take a quantity of dried figs olive oil for a week, every morning the patient Vivtr three proteins, it heals
Take the leaves and orange 20 grams in a liter of water, and drink the infected cough chest three times a day at least three days, but effective.
*Cough Children:
Cook onion and squeeze one hundred and mixed with honey, and takes the child doses 5 times per day
**Other recipe:
Drink carrot juice cooked with sugar, the amount of half a cup three times a day
Soak the amount of garlic peeled in a liter of milk, drink 3 cups of it a day for 8 days, and each cup and then drink the filtered
**Other recipe:
Pressed amount of a glass of water, onion and examples cup honey, and bring to boil on the fire, a heart patient and is used by asthma amount of two tablespoons in the morning and afternoon and evening, and repeated the process, the patient is recovering that God Almighty
**Other recipe:
Husked sesame eat sugar benefit the patient with asthma
Cabbage hot water is taken and mixed with a spoon covered in honey and the sputum.
*Whooping cough:
Boil 100 grams of peeled garlic in 250 grams of water, for 15 minutes, then add it Besvy 250 grams of sugar, and drink the amount of two tablespoons of it every day morning
**Other recipe:
Take the lettuce leaves and cook 150 grams, for 5 minutes and after drinking lukewarm sweeten every day
Addresses the patient's heart 50 to 140 grams
*Strengthen the heart:
Eaten every day, artichokes, celery, lettuce and onions. It is very useful to strengthen the heart muscle, God Almighty
**Other recipe:
Cook two tablespoons of thyme in a cup of water and drink it weak heart
*Hardening of the arteries:
Taken 100 grams of beans and boil for centuries in a liter of water well, then drain it and drink 4 cups every day for 15 days
**Other recipe:
Boil dry olive leaves estimated 40 grams per liter of water for 10 minutes, and drink a cup of it every day morning
**Other recipe:
Peel boiled garlic, crushed and boiled in a cup of milk for 5 minutes, and drink and persist in that day for
*Liver pain:
Drink a little chamomile have a place for liver pain, it is good if the patient and persevered atticة
*Liver tumor:
Few of the gooseberry, mint and mastic with Soiq and drink
*Strengthen the liver:
Attendance to eat Red skim Persians and soft, it is cooked is very helpful in strengthening the liver
*Spleen tumor:
Accurate circuit with vinegar, benefit the spleen in the case of tumor Kdmad
*Hardness of the spleen:
Boiling drinking water, cooking, vinegar and a little mustard softens the hardness of the spleen
benefit people with diabetes and if persevered attic
*Other recipe:
Attendance to eat raw onion quarter enough to drop sugar, and returned to normal, as the attendance to eat is also a useful option for patients with diabetes
**Other recipe:
Attendance to drink boiled watercress leaves, the diabetic patient is due as it was, God Almighty
*Wounds of diabetic patients:
Boil fenugreek and drink its water, and applied to the wound as well.
* Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids coated cooking water or basil
**Other recipe:
Cook garlic and mix with vinegar, and not the attic infected hemorrhoids, as he also Adhna it is very useful
*Hemorrhoids phenomenon:
Net fat add onions and section applied to the times
*Fragmentation of kidney stones:
Radish juice or water dish heartbreaking kidney stones if persevered attic infected
**Other recipe:
Drink a mustard seed in every night, enough to break up kidney stones
*Fragmentation of bladder stones:
The patient regularly to eat 38 grams of pears each day is better to be eaten whole crust Huelva
*Sand and kidney stones:
If the patient and persevered to drink sweet almond oil, sand and gravel brought the college
*Inflammation of the kidneys:
Drink the cup of boiled linseed in the morning and evening
*Renal colic:
TWICE the amount of drink in the morning and evening from boiled
*Retention of urine:
Knock cinnamon and eaten her art wonderful in urine retention, or go, or smooth.
*Urinary incontinence in children Paul Child in bed):
Gives the child a teaspoon of honey at bedtime, it absorbs water from the body, and must be attendance attic
*Bladder stones:
Drink fat bitter almonds good to break up bladder stones
*Enlarged prostate:
Taken emulsion love pumpkin peeled and Crushed amount of 20 grams in a cup of hot water, and local honey or sugar.
*Inflammation of the prostate:
Three tablespoons of linseed, boiled in a liter of water for three minutes and then drink two glasses .
drink cumin with vinegar, one teaspoon large
**Other recipe:
Eating ginger or mint after eating a good effect on digestion
Crushed cumin drink vinegar mixed with one teaspoon large, it lives in severe colic
*Intestinal colic in adults and children:
Taken a tablespoon of anise, and cook in the quarter-liter of water, and drink to 4 servings a day, they inhabit the intestinal colic, and can be used for children by 3 teaspoons per day
Mild onion smell goes nausea and inhabited
**Other recipe:
If you mix vinegar and mint drink cut vomiting
**Other recipe:
A piece of lemon boiled in a liter of water and drink when feeling Venjanan vomiting
*Remove vomiting and stomach pain:
Drink a glass of water soaked mint
*Strengthening the stomach:
few chews on an empty stomach, it strengthens the stomach if the patient always did it all day
**Other recipe:
Drinking water hyacinth (lavender) strengthens the stomach well
**Other recipe:
Eat soft mint
**Other recipe:
Anise drink purifies the stomach
*Throwing the blood of the stomach:
If you mix egg whites spare the blood of the stomach puffs
**Other recipe:
Attendance to eat well in the cut mint puffs the stomach blood
Hands and legs are placed in cold water inter, this is very helpful in soothing heartburn and flames
*Stomach tumor:
According to a well to drink honey in the stomach tumor, if the patient and persevered on that
Taken in equal parts of thyme and cook and drink in 3 batches a day time morning, noon and dinner, and must be attendance on that
*Ulcer of the stomach and intestines:
Swallow the garlic without embryo, and then followed by drinking a glass of water, and continue on it for
*Acidity and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum:
Break the patient every morning cup of lukewarm water a bit, and faithful to one teaspoon honey, and it must continue, it is getting better after 4 weeks, that God Almighty
*The expulsion of gases:
Attendance to eat chard is useful in the prevention of abdominal gas
**Other recipe:
Amount of drink half a cup water, keep the gases that the infected intestines heal, God Almighty
*Other recipe:
Amount of drinking a cup of boiling water in lavender every day in the morning
*Inflammation of the intestines:
Boil apple with the portion of licorice, for 10 minutes, it is very useful in inflammatory bowel process is repeated regularly until healing
*Thick bowel pain:
Teaspoon in a cup of water covered by the patient every day of the anise, and cook the quantity of it in two cups of water, persist in the infected intestine Palm thick it benefit him, God Almighty
*Dodd abdomen:
If the amount of wormwood drink half teaspoon large, cooked in a glass of water every day in the morning of the abdomen by removing Dodd that God Almighty
**Other recipe:
If you add vinegar to the powder, black bean, breakfast, keep saying the patient Bdod abdomen, recovered from the exit of the worms
**Other recipe:
If the patient eat pumpkin seeds (pumpkin) Dodd came out of the abdomen
*Stop the diarrhea:
Take pomegranate peel, and they cook and drink one hundred thirds times a day, it will stop the diarrhea, and continue in this drinking to stop diarrhea
*Chronic diarrhea:
Attendance to eat buckthorn cut chronic diarrhea
* Dysentery:
Fried cabbage leaves and covered by the patient, it eliminates dysentery spend fully
**Other recipe:
Taken into egg white and mix with lemon juice and drink in the morning, repeat the process for 3 days, you may yet see the pus out, those signs of recovery
4 proteins boiled dry in 400 grams of water or milk, to be kept half of the water or milk, then strain and drink it
**Other recipe:
Drinking water a day between 8 to 10 cups distributed on the day, help reduce constipation
Taken root celery water amount of 30 grams in a liter of water and boiled for 5 Dakkaaúq, and drink every day the injured TWICE the amount of healing and will continue until God willing,
•Liver failure:
Take a quarter and papers from the artichokes and boil in a liter of water, shown by honey or sugar, and drink them every day on an empty stomach for 12 days
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